Tag: difficulty writing


3 things I do when writing dialogue

I find dialogue one of the easiest things to write! I think it’s because I love people watching; I listen in to many conversations when I’m out and about, and so picking up the natural cadence and rhythm is easier for me.


Did you know I teach?

I adore teaching. I love breaking down something complicated, teaching it to someone else, and seeing them get it – and then apply it themselves! I used to teach a lot of workshops, speak at events, and mentor, and I’ve spent some time working out how I can bring those elements into my writing career.


Writing the senses

Now, if there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s admitting to the things that I’m NOT good at. See what I did there? I’ll be the first to admit that writing the senses or description is not something that comes naturally to me. My first drafts often look far more like a script, focused on dialogue and movement across the ‘stage’ of my scene. … Read More Writing the senses


Guest blog: Creativity and the recovering mind

Today I am hosting a blog from Adam Barnes, who took part in a week of work experience with me through the charity organisation Arts Emergency. Take it away, Adam!


I’m sick – again!

With the emergence of spring comes the emergence of all the coughs and colds!


Is spring here yet?!

Anyone who knows me well knows how much I adore summer, and loathe winter…


Recovering (slowly!) as an author with COVID

Hey lovely readers! If reading about more COVID things aren’t good for your mental health right now, please feel free to skip this one!

As many of my readers know, I had COVID at the very beginning of March and I got it bad. Not hospitalisation bad, but bedridden for a week, vomming, chest pain and shallow breathing bad.

So yeah. Not good.


Ask me anything!

I absolutely love speaking with my readers, and sometimes I know you have questions about my books, my series, how I write, and more – so this is your time to ask me!


Hugs in the time of COVID

You know, I never thought I would think of a hug as a powerful thing, until this year.


What do you eat and drink while writing?

Whenever I was studying for my exams when I was young, I would always need to have chocolate chip cookies. For me, that’s what revision tastes like! I would use them for motivation; all I had to do was get through revising another few pages, and I would have a cookie. As I’ve got older, I really haven’t changed that much! Some days I … Read More What do you eat and drink while writing?


Completing a book in lockdown

In my last blog, I talked about the weirdness of trying to write in lockdown, and how hard I was finding that. I am always honest with my readers, and so I wanted to share some of the process that went on behind the scenes. You can read it here. So many people reached out and shared that they, too, were finding it a … Read More Completing a book in lockdown


Writing in lockdown

Almost half of the world’s population is in lockdown, and so am I. Writing in lockdown has been something I’ve been really struggling with, and after four weeks of it, I wanted to write a blog about it and be really open and honest about it. If you believed social media, you would think that everyone is loving lockdown! Enjoying baths, playing with their … Read More Writing in lockdown